Is Charcoal Toothpaste Safe?

Brunette man in a gray shirt ponders whether charcoal toothpaste is safe for teeth

Charcoal toothpaste is a relatively new kind of toothpaste that contains activated charcoal. Here, we’ll explain more about what it is and whether it’s a safe way to clean your teeth.

What Is Activated Charcoal?

Activated charcoal is regular charcoal that is heated by gas to make the substance more porous so that it can absorb and trap particles like dirt and oil. In regard to dental health, advocates claim activated charcoal toothpaste binds to undesirable debris stuck in your mouth, a practice utilized since Roman times.

What Is Charcoal Toothpaste?

While it may sound like using charcoal toothpaste would be like rubbing hard black chunks from the grill on your teeth (which would be highly toxic–don’t do that!), the consistency is actually more like baking soda. Additionally, charcoal toothpastes are often flavored, though its dark color may be off-putting for many people. Some praise activated charcoal for its ability to remove surface stains from teeth, and its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and breath-freshening properties. However, there is limited clinical evidence on whether these claims are true.

Is Charcoal Toothpaste Safe?

Consult with our expert team if you’re interested in trying charcoal toothpaste. The American Dental Association has stated that the abrasiveness of charcoal may weaken enamel and that it has not yet been proved to be a safe or effective form of teeth whitening. We typically advise against experimenting with dental fads, especially since most charcoal toothpastes do not contain fluoride. Fluoride is a safe and effective tooth-strengthening mineral that will help protect your smile against decay and cavities. For proven and dramatic whitening results, we invite you to consider our one-visit professional teething whitening or our custom tray teeth whitening that can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Get in Touch with Our Helotes Family Dentistry!

If you have other questions about charcoal toothpaste, contact us to schedule an appointment. We can advise whether charcoal toothpaste is right for you and discuss how you can achieve the white smile of your dreams.

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